Gratuity is receivable at the hour of your retirement or when you have left an association. In either case, a gratuity is receivable simply in the wake of working constantly for a long time.
A piece of this gratuity can be accessible relying upon how a lot of cash you have gotten.
According to current law, gratuity received by an administration worker is completely absolved from charge. The greatest sum they can get is Rs 20 lakh according to corrections made after the seventh Pay Commission proposal
In any case, for non-government representatives, the most extreme assessment excluded gratuity limit is Rs 10 lakh starting at now. To expel this peculiarity, the administration has cleared the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2017 and has postponed it in Parliament to raise the most extreme assessment absolved gratuity limit for non-government representatives to Rs 20 lakh. In the event that the Bill is passed, it would bring the most extreme expense excluded sum comparable to that for government representatives.
The most extreme expense excluded sum is the equivalent for the two classifications of workers however the division is done in light of the fact that the equation to figure out the gratuity sum receivable under the law is extraordinary. Here, a representative must recollect that the present greatest expense excluded gratuity sum is accessible to him for his whole working life.
During the working time frame, as he profits the exception on gratuity got post leaving, the measure of assessment absolved gratuity accessible later on will descend. Assume you have gotten a gratuity of Rs 2 lakh from your boss. On the off chance that a full exclusion is guaranteed on the sum got, at that point later on you can profit a most extreme duty exemption of Rs 8 lakh just, according to the present laws.

For the non-government representatives secured under the Payment of Gratuity Act
The Payment of Gratuity Act expresses that if a worker, secured under the Act, gets gratuity, the base of the accompanying will be excluded from the duty:
a) Rs 10 lakh; or
b) Actual gratuity got; or
c) Amount of gratuity a worker is qualified to get, i.e., 15 days compensation dependent on the last drawn pay for each completed year of administration or part thereof more than a half year.
For non-government workers not secured under the Payment of Gratuity Act
A business can pay gratuity to his workers regardless of whether the association isn’t secured under the Act.
For such workers, the assessable measure of gratuity will be at least the accompanying:
a) Rs 10 lakh; or
b) Actual gratuity limit; or
c) Half month’s normal pay for each completed year of administration.
The normal pay is taken as the normal of the most recent 10 months promptly going before the most recent month.
This is the system that is used by the government of India while computing the taxable amount of your gratuity income. Before you are granted gratuity by your employer you can take an estimate of your gratuity amount by using any Gratuity Calculator For India and take a view on the amount that you must be getting after your retirement.