Android is an operating system just like the apple’s IOs which is also and operating system. Basically you can see three type of operating system are prevailing in the market right now which is the android, ios and the windows. Windows technology is far behind these two technologies which are wide used in every other smartphone.
Android and ios are there in a competition from a very long time and it can be clearly said that the android is winning in this battle. Android operating system is widely used by the Smartphone makers like Samsung, One plus, Sony, Google and many others whereas ios is only used by apple so it is clear that the market is full with more android devices as compared to the ios devices.
Every other operating system whether it is windows, android or ios has their own unique features, their own advantages and with advantages there are some drawbacks of these technologies as well. Maybe some have a user interface better than the other but all the systems are made to provide the best experience to the users.

Android phones are easier to operate as compared to ios and windows. Some ios users prefer only ios and they really don’t want to jump into any other operating system as they are well aware of this operating system. But if you are windows user you will definitely want to upgrade yourself to something new and it can be android or ios. Mostly people go for android as it is easy to use and it is quite affordable easy compared to the ios devices. This is the major reason behind androids success.
An android device comes with a lot of features which are not available in any of the platforms. Most of the applications are designed and optimized according to the Android platform as more users of android are there in the market. Ios on the other hand has many features to offer but many of its applications are paid and users need to buy it to use it but the same thing is present in the android for free.
Android system can be customized for better experience very easily and every application runs very smoothly on this platform. For better experience the android software and its configuration is increasing with time and now you can see many devices giving competition not only to the other smart phones but the laptops and computers are in the direct competition.
Android system is compatible with every kind of application and many computer applications like word, power point, excel outlook can be accessed and managed easily if you have a high end android smartphone.
Every year companies come up with some other up gradation in the smart phones and its operating system and confuse everyone with a lot of choices. In the market we have now devices with a lot of features but every other device has some unique feature which is different from its rival. With the announcement of very new device we are eagerly waiting to see what next is going to change in the coming operating system of these smartphones.