Rose lives on the outskirts of London , in a picturesque home. She is a beautiful young woman who is unable to find happiness in her life. Following are the entries she made in her diary.

10th November 2020
I went to the office today, it was very difficult to see Casper there, laughing as if nothing happened. He is acting as if we have no history. What is happening in my life? What is wrong?
11th November
I almost did something that is unacceptable , am I a coward? What on earth was I thinking? I was trying to kill myself! That too over a guy, who has never treated me right. I have never had suicidal tendencies but today Casper announced his engagement to Maya, the editor of our magazine. How could he do this to me? How could he break up with me without even informing me? He sees me everyday in the office and he didn’t even bother to tell me that he was dating Maya and now suddenly he is engaged? I cannot comprehend this , I won’t be able to sleep tonight
12th November
Okay, enough is enough now! I have been obsessing over this callous man for three years now. I have been nothing but an idiot.Now, I need to disconnect with him, I need a break. I will call my office first thing in the morning and take a one month sabbatical to gain perspective and sort myself out. Tomorrow I will search for a place to go and I will switch off my phone so that no one could contact me.
13th November
I just took a sabbatical from work and I miss Casper, was this a mistake? Maybe if I keep talking to him, he might come back to me.
14th November
Casper came home today and what a pig he is! When I asked him that why he never bothered to tell me that he is getting engaged, so he said that he loved us both and never wanted to leave any of us. Can you believe it? I was absolutely right in taking a sabbatical , I will finalize today that where I want to go and give myself a fresh start after coming back.
15th November
So, I finalized the place I want to go to- Los Angeles, USA. One of my brother’s friends Joy lives there, she would be happy to show me around and keep me company. Even she is going through a rough patch, she just found out that her boyfriend cheated on her , so maybe we both could help each other in over coming our failed relationships.
16th November
The flights are booked , the bag is packed and now I am ready to go. My flight for Los Angeles takes off tomorrow morning 7 a.m. I am so anxious, excited and worried, all at the same time.
18th November
I reached Los Angeles yesterday and man this is an amazing place. Turns out Joy lives in a swanky bungalow as she is the owner of a big movie trailer making firm and earns the big bucks. Her home is nothing but a paradise-huge televisions, electric curtains, huge swimming pool and what not. I am excited for this vacation now.
20th November
I am enjoying to the fullest, I hang around with Arthur in the afternoon, Joy’s ninety year old neighbor and in the night time Joy and I explore Los Angeles together. I am happy that i am trying to get over Casper.
21st November
Today I hanged around with Arthur. He is such a zealous man , he loves to play online games like clash royale in his free time. Today, all night we enjoyed the game of clash royale over coffee. He told me about clash royale gem generator and how it gives free gems in the game without even downloading it. What a fun game night it was!
22nd November
Today was my last day in Los Angeles and I decided to go on a date with Arthur. Arthur was such a sweetheart, he picked me up, complemented me and took me to a fancy restaurant. He then counselled me to behave as the heroine of my own life, not the supporting character.
24th November
I landed back and headed back home and of course, Casper came to my home to tell me that he missed me, but now , I threw him out of my home and my life. I must say this small trip changed my whole life.