Are you aware that you could be losing sales because of how your affiliate links look?
There are many complicated ways to cloak affiliate links, but I decided to make it easier on myself and everyone else by offering a no cost and easy way to make your own cloaked affiliate links.
I set up an free link cloaker tool here (you may want to bookmark it) – Affiliate Link Cloaker
So that you can simply add the title of the website, your affiliate link and then press the ‘Generate Cloak HTML’ button and it will give you a code.
You just need to take that code and make a file on your hosting with the name of the page you want to use in its place.
Such as
You would then need to go into your hosting and create a new file called thisproductrocks.html then edit the file and put the code into it.
You could also do this by copying the code into a text document and then uploading it to your webhosting as pagenameyouwant.html
That way when ever you link to that page it will automatically send them to your affiliate link.
No more ugly affiliate links! Yay!