All About Associated Content

Associated Content is a place where you get paid to write and submit articles. What makes them special from other paid to write sites, is the fact that you get paid up front right away as well as get a small amount for page views.

You can make anywhere between $3 – $10 per article that you write depending on topic and quality. I usually average about $4 for each of mine.What I love about Associated Content is the fact that you can write as much as you want. There is no limit. So if you had the goal of making $40 a day, you would know that you needed to come up with and write about 10 articles a day to make it happen.

You must live in the United States to be able to write for Associated Content.

Also, when you submit an article you need to make sure it is at least 400 words and is of decent quality (good grammar, spelling, etc…). The topic can be about anything you wish as long as it is informative.

Some great suggestions for original articles are: Resturant reviews, Product reviews, Company reviews, How-to Guides, Interviews, Real Estate Buying Tips, Stock or Investing Tips, City Activity Guides, Breaking News, Concert Reviews, Tech Advise, Travel Guides, Research Papers and More… Your options are almost endless.

Keep in mind that they don’t pay for short stories, poems, or movie reviews.

Your earnings on Associated Content are only limited to your ability to think of and write new articles. You could actually turn it into a full time job if you wanted to.

The reason why I have not made more from Associated Content is because I get writer’s block very easily and have a hard time coming up with new topics to write about. Some people have a gift for writing, for them Associated Content really pays off.

The payout is about 3 times a week. You are paid for every article that has been approved at those times. Every time you get an article approved they will give you an offer of a certain dollar amount that you can choose to accept or reject.

I also suggest you read my post on How to Make the Most out of Articles.

Want to easily write several articles a day? Check out my post on Content Speed Writing.

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