Hey Child!

Raising a child in the current situation of our society is nothing short of a nightmare, our current times have a lot of hatred, negativity and gloominess. A child tends to soak in the environment they grow in, so you need to be very careful while providing your off spring the environment he/she grows in. Although I agree that every couple have their own parenting style and surely, whatever they will do will be good for their child, but some points should be universally be taken care of. I am a self acclaimed expert on this matter and I guess having a little advice doesn’t hurt

  1. Learn to say no- Your kid might be the apple of your eye and it might feel like that fulfilling your child’s wishes is your duty, but children sometimes demand such things which are unreasonable and totally not required. So, saying no to your child for something that is not needed is actually healthy, otherwise, you might raise a stubborn and spoiled child.
  2. Self sufficiency- As I grew up in an Indian household, I have witnessed that parents do not let their children make efforts for themselves, on the contrary, they let their children rely on them, which in turn proves to be problematic when they grow up. It is better to train your children to do their work themselves from the beginning, like keeping the utensils in the sink or tying their shoe laces or packing their bags, so that they grow up to be responsible adults.
  3. Kindness- A child should be taught to be a kind human being, he/she should be taught to be giving and considerate towards the people who are less fortunate than they are or to be kind towards animals. You can introduce your children to charities or crowd funding programs like GlobalGiving (GlobalGiving reviews are exemplary as they have proven to be the biggest crowdfunding in the world,supporting charitable projects). You can make your child realize that he/she is in fact, a privileged child, as by looking at these charitable organisations you come to know that there are so many people who have nothing at all.
  4. Learning by doing- Nowadays children study just for the sake of examinations, instead, teach your child to study to gain knowledge, to attain education. Although marks might be important but learning by relating to real life examples or learning by doing is a better way to educate your child and in this way, your child will be a sensible and well aware human being.
  5. Make conversation easier- In the past, children feared communicating their problems and issues to their parents or teachers, basically elders in general, but for your children make sure that you are approachable, that your children are confident enough to convey his/her parents about their troubles and doubts.
  6. Be respectful- Teach your child to be respectful to everyone, be it their elders, people younger to them or even to animals. You can teach them to be respectful by being respectful to them too, as they will be able to understand that giving respect and gaining respect-both are important.

Every parent wants their child to be the best-best in studies, in sports, in co-curricular activities, mostly in every aspect, but the first goal of a parent should be to raise their child to be a good human being. Being a good human being is the most important trait a child should inculcate, so do not forget to show them the way to this road.

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