Playing video games: an inspiring story of the Jain way


Video games have always been a part of my life. From playing Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Mini, to playing Halo and Modern Warfare on my Xbox, I’ve always been a gamer. However, as time went by and I got older, I didn’t play video games like I used to. That is until about two years ago when my friend introduced me to League of Legends (LoL). LoL is an online multiplayer game where each player controls one character called a “champion” with unique abilities and skills in an effort to destroy the opposing team’s nexus (base).

Playing video games is simple.

Playing video games is simple. You can play Jain Games them in your home, at a friend’s house and even in public places—like on your phone or tablet!

The right way to play video games.

  • The right way to play video games is with the right intention.
  • The right intention is to play them in order to improve yourself and learn something new, not to win.
  • The right intention is also to win, but only if that comes as a result of you improving yourself and learning something new.

What kind of video games should I try?

There are many kinds of video games. The most common types include:

  • Action games, which put you in the shoes of a warrior who fights hordes of enemies to save the world from evil forces. Examples include God of War, Tomb Raider and Saints Row IV.
  • Adventure games, which require players to solve puzzles while exploring an environment with no fighting at all (think Myst). Examples include The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Tomb Raider and The Last Guardian.
  • Sport simulations and racing games—for example FIFA 18 or Gran Turismo Sport—let you play as your favourite athlete or driver on virtual fields or tracks in real-time competition against other players around the world who share similar interests. You can also play these types offline by yourself if you prefer not having others see how terrible your skills really are!

The Jain way to play video games.

  • You can play video games, but you should also be mindful of your actions.
  • Never harm any living being.
  • Never cause harm to yourself or others.
  • Never cause harm to the environment.

Who should be playing video games?

It’s not just the young and healthy who can benefit from playing video games. People in all stages of life, with varying physical abilities, can find value in playing video games.

For example:

  • Elderly Jains have a higher risk of falling. Video games will help them build their strength, balance and flexibility while they enjoy themselves!
  • The sick often feel isolated from friends and family members who are afraid that the germs will make them sicker. Multiplayer online gaming is a fun way for contagious patients to interact with others without risking anyone else’s health!
  • People with limited mobility or other forms of physical disability may find it difficult to leave home due to rain or snowfall on the ground outside (or flooding inside). It might be difficult for them even if they do leave; many public places do not have ramps because they were built before wheelchairs existed! Fortunately, there are virtual spaces available where everyone is welcome—including those who would otherwise struggle getting around but now have access thanks to adaptive equipment like VR headsets which allow users like these individuals not only enter into immersive 3D worlds but also interact with each other through voice commands so no one needs worry about being isolated again either!”

Practice the Jain way while playing video games.

It doesn’t just require careful thought to play video games in a Jain way, but it requires mindfulness of your actions.

  • Mindfulness of time: It’s important to be mindful of the time you spend playing video games, because many are very addictive and can take over your life! Keep track of how much time you spend playing games each day and make sure that this number doesn’t get too high (no more than three hours per day). If it does get too high, try setting a reminder on your phone or computer so that when the timer goes off, it’ll remind you that it’s time for bed or something else equally important.
  • Mindfulness about content: Video game developers often include violence and other offensive scenes in their games; these are called “video game villains.” They like doing things like shooting at people or stealing from others just because they’re bad guys (which is why they’re called villains). When choosing what kind of game characters to play as, pick ones who don’t hurt anyone else physically or emotionally—this includes both humans AND animals! If there aren’t any good choices available then choose one at random instead since anything is better than picking someone who hurts others intentionally just so they can win the game faster (or worse yet—for fun!).
  • Mindfulness while playing: As soon as our mind becomes distracted by something else while playing video games then we lose focus on what we’re supposed to be doing right now instead which makes us perform poorly overall at said task(s). In order together these two concepts together means “Don’t multitask unless necessary” – which means only do one thing at once unless required by nature itself such as eating food when hungry etc.”


We know it can be hard to learn new things, but if you practice the Jain way of life, you will find it easier and more enjoyable. You don’t have to be a hardcore gamer or even play video games all the time to benefit from this article – just try out some of our tips for playing video games with fewer distractions!

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