How svg works in html?

SVG is a technology that can be used to create graphics on the web. It has its own markup syntax, so you don’t need to use HTML tags or CSS properties. In fact, SVG isn’t even an image! Instead, it’s an XML format for describing two-dimensional vector graphics. By the end of this article you will know:

SVG element is used to define a graphic.

SVG is a vector image format. SVG images are defined in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) specification. The SVG language can be used to create any kind of graphic, from simple logos to complex illustrations or drawings.

SVG is an XML-based language for creating two-dimensional vector graphics with support for interactivity and animation. You can use XML to define both standalone and embedded objects within your document which allows you to control them separately from other parts of the document’s structure. This gives you maximum flexibility when it comes to creating elements such as text boxes or shapes that can then be manipulated using JavaScript code once they have been created by using XSLT transformation rules in order to make them dynamic content rather than static content inside an SVG file itself – something which means that you don’t need any additional software installed on your computer because it will all run seamlessly through standard browsers instead!

SVG uses XML markup to help render things into vectors.

HTML uses XML to define the structure of the document, while SVG uses XML to define:

  • The elements, attributes and styles
  • The position of elements on the page
  • Color of elements on the page

SVG animate can be used to create animations on web pages.

SVG animate can be used to create animations on web pages.

Animation is a key part of SVG, and it can be used to create simple or complex animations, interactive content and even games.

In this article we will look at how animation works in SVG, its features and some examples of how it is being used in the wild.

SVG does not interact with the DOM.

As you’ve probably guessed by now, SVG does not interact with the DOM. This means it can’t be used for things like drop-down menus or form validation. Because of this, SVG + CSS is often considered to be better than HTML + CSS for creating websites that are designed to look good on high-DPI displays.

In addition to its usefulness in responsive design and as a vector graphics format that makes images load faster, SVG also has some other advantages over HTML:

  • It can be animated using JavaScript (more on this later).
  • It supports interactivity via scripting or animation tools such as Adobe Illustrator or Sketch (but keep in mind these tools have their limitations).

SVG transform is used to change the shape, size and position of the element.

When it comes to SVG transform, there are a number of ways to change the shape of an element. For example:

  • rotate
  • scale
  • translate
  • skew
  • perspective

These are all important and useful properties when it comes to manipulating your SVG color Online in various ways.


As you can see, using SVG is a powerful way to create rich graphics on the web. It’s important to understand how it works and what its limitations are, but once you do, you will be able to use it in your projects with ease!

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