Respect Your Body!

“Your body is your most priceless possession. Take  care of it.”-Jack Lalane.

Nowadays people are careful about what they put in their stomachs, we usually see celebrities having their personal dietitians and nutritionists on the move with them, we see there are so many people that go to the gym, every day, without fail and what is with the rage for yoga? Why am I really talking about these things?  It is because staying healthy and fit is the ‘in’ thing now, gone are the days that people used to chase junk food centers to lather themselves up from junk food, now are the days when people prefer eating a salad over a pizza or burger or fries.

People have now realized that staying healthy, eating healthy and exercising regularly should be our major goals as it is said that health is wealth. Consumption of high level of sugar and eating food with too many calories have become an abomination for many people as these things do nothing but put your body at a risk of getting multiple diseases. Not exercising makes your body lethargic and lazy, which leads to excessive weight gain and several other problems like heart issues, joint pains, diabetes, etc. After following several celebrities(on social media), there are some habits which are ardently followed by them to look and feel youthful:

  1. Wake up early- Celebrities swear by this rule, waking up early keeps your body active and throughout the day they stay fresh.
  2. Stay hydrated- The secret to a happy, smooth and flawless skin is having ample amount of water throughout the day. Many celebrities have declared that their skin remains fresh even after hours of working, out in the dust because of having a good amount of water. It is said that our body requires at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
  3. Eating healthy- The logic behind eating healthy is that it gives us energy throughout the day as well as they strengthens our immune system. Eating healthy provides benefits in the long run, so keeping a watch on what celebrities eat is a must. Read More to know about the availability of top quality fresh products.
  4. Avoid junk food- Eating junk food might be easy on the tongue and be a festival for your taste buds, but it isn’t very good for your stomach and immune system. Junk food contains high calorific value and trans fat which puts your heart in danger and attacks the immune system. Celebrities do indulge in having some fast food, but that is in complete moderation.
  5.  Exercising regularly- Pilates, yoga, gymming, running, etc are the multiple ways in which we can keep exercising. Not working out makes your body stiff and lazy. This might result in you getting old at an early stage and your body giving up it’s strength even before you want it to. Celebrities swear to have a very tight fitness regime and many assure that they work out daily, at least for one hour in a day.

Just like celebrities, common people like us should follow these basic rules to ensure a better, healthier and longer life too. Nothing can be better than leading a disease free healthy life without consuming medicines.

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